
Improving young people's political participation

01 January 1970

I am conducting research for my PhD which aims to find ways to encourage young people to vote in greater numbers. I believe that I can achieve this by interviewing young people (aged 18-25) who are passionate about voting.


Ethical approval

This project was granted ethical approval by the Nottingham Trent University ethics board on 6th June 2017.

About the researcher

Hi. My name is James Hart. I am studying for a PhD which investigates why young people's political participation is lower than the national average in the UK. I am really passionate about improving young people's political engagement and understanding why some young people don't feel politics is relevant to them. Young people's potential is being hindered by low pay, insecure employment and an expensive housing market. I want young people's potential to be unleashed and I am confident that this study can help contribute to improving the future of young people.

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